Saturday, July 30, 2016


This was a fun video to make. Nothing special on this one. Just some long cross dissolves I did as an experiment to see how they worked. Enjoy. Leave a comment!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Using Action for Scene Transitions

Here's a short video showing how to incorporate action into your scene transitions rather than using a digital fade or cross dissolve or jump cut.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

The Crane, Boom, or Jib shot

I decided to do a little experiment to see if this could be done effectively without investing a lot of money into a jib or boom. It actually came out pretty good for the first try. Check it out. Leave a comment if you have any suggestions on how to make it better.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Basic Camera Moves to Improve Your Videos

If you're just starting out as a videographer, or you just created your first YouTube channel, here's a short video that will explain some basic camera moves. These camera moves can help create some variety in your videos that will make them more alive and much less boring and static. Camera moves have been used for decades in the movie industry and you can use these same camera moves for your creations. Enjoy. Feel free to leave a comment or check out my other videos on