Monday, August 1, 2016


In video production, film making, and cinematography circles, cutting on the action is an old trick that helps the director, uh, direct the viewers' attention to where he wants it to be. In YouTube videos, this same technique can be use, although it rarely is by most YouTubers and daily vloggers. And that's unfortunate, because it's really a very simple technique to use and it can help add a lot of interest to your video creations.

All that's necessary in order to use this technique is for the video creator to think ahead a wee bit and decide what shots he/she wants to use to tell their story. It may involve different camera angles, different camera positions, different lenses, i.e., a wide lens or a long lens. Summarily, it's up to the videographer to figure out ahead of time what the viewers' attention needs to be drawn toward or to. It can also involve using a shallow depth of field in order to pull focus in a dramatic manner, or using a different lighting set up to create the desired mood or feel for the video.

The attached video shows a very basic, very simple method that can be used by anyone. It requires only one camera, although multiple cameras could be used. Take a look. Be sure to leave me a comment with any questions. Enjoy.

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